
Hi, I'm Aron.


I'm a software engineer based in Germany. I'm currently working at Ambient as a full-stack developer. I'm interested in web development, devops, and system administration.
I also like to write about my experiences and learnings. You can find my blog posts below.

Recent Projects

I'm always working on some side projects. Here are some of my recent projects:

  • CronJS A platform to write and run JavaScript cron jobs in the cloud.
  • Repository.rip A web app to bury your sideprojects. You can post projects, comment, and upvote projects.
  • R10 Progress: A web app to track your golf stroke metrics and progress when using the Garmin Approach R10 Golf Launch Monitor.
  • Storygenie: A web app to generate Scrum Stories with AI.
  • Guliabe Art: An online gallery for my grandmother's art.

You can find more of my projects on my GitHub and
details about my work experience on my projects.

If you want to get in touch, the fastest way is to send me a mail at [email protected].
