Fix slow ZSH startup due to NVM
Aron Schüler Published
NVM can really be helpful when dealing with older projects. But there’s a problem, still. The nvm installation adds a portion of code to your .zshrc to enable autocompletion. This, in turn, slows the startup of your shell quite a lot. But we can easily fix this slow zsh startup! Instead of always loading your nvm autocompletion, we can command oh-my-zsh to just load nvm ressources on-demand, also known as lazy-loading.
Open your .zshrc, add the line export NVM_LAZY=1
and, somewhere below, add
to your list of oh-my-zsh plugins.
How do I check if just NVM slows my ZSH startup?
That’s easy. In your ~/.zshrc
you can simply add zmodload zsh/zprof
first line and zprof
as last line. This will prove you a nice output on which
plugin caused what delay.
So go ahead, add these both lines to your shell startup script and time your
shell startup with time zsh -i -c exit
. This will start your ZSH and execute
the exit
command. Scroll a bit up and your zsh output should blame
Bad, right? That’s almost 90% startup time caused by a single tool I
don’t use that much. So let’s fix this!
How do I fix the slow zsh startup?
As the normal ZSH user, you probably already have different plugins provided by oh-my-zsh. If not, really, go ahead and get yourself some nice plugins! It’s a community driven aggregator of many many great plugins.
The plugin we need now is the nvm
plugin. It’s already included in
and should be activated in your plugins array somewhere in your
.zshrc. But you also want to add the line export NVM_LAZY=1
, which enables the
lazy-loading mode. This mode only sources and activates nvm when its necessary,
for example in directories that contain a .nvmrc file. So, in conclusion,
add/modify the following in your zsh startup script:
export NVM_LAZY=1
// [...]
// [...]
Also, be sure to remove the lines added by nvm, they should be somewhere at the bottom of your script, mine looked like:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
Checking fixed startup times
Now, go to any directory that shouln’t autostart nvm and check your timings again. Mine looked like this:
As you can see above, nvm support takes now much less time to start, while still
being available “on-call”.
Now you can safely remove the debugging lines we introduced to our .zshrc earlier. Hopefully I could help you a bit with this short post, see you around for the next one 🙂